About PhysioFit
This project was developed based on the urgent need to tackle childhood obesity, thus it will have an effect on three levels:
At an institutional level, the project will maximise the impacts of internationalisation as a process with the potential to further develop and strengthen management structures, international relations, educational services, and to further develop strategic policies related to the internationalisation of education, research, student and staff mobility, and educational technology development.
At national level, the project supports the UK government's tackling obesity strategy, which aims to empower adults and children to live healthier lives. The project also allows the partner institutions to have cross-European meetings, exchanges and discussions including multiplier events, on how the project's activities can be adapted by other teachers/schools/education providers/NGOs. The partner institutions will identify the common problems in tackling childhood obesity and teaching English as a second language, and will develop new methods of teaching and learning these subjects.
At an international level, the project supports the EU Youth Strategy, which aims to support the health and well-being of young people. The project will improve the quality and effectiveness of nutrition education and it will promote an awareness of the importance of cultural and linguistic diversity within Europe.
With this strategy, the project will have an impact at the local, regional, national, European and international level:
Boosting a Europe-wide collaboration among teachers as well as education researchers and policymakers regarding tackling childhood obesity
Boosting a Europe-wide collaboration among Sport/Nutrition/Science/English teachers as well as education researchers and policymakers
Exchanging inquiry-based and game-based learning, CLIL and other innovative, effective and engaging approaches to educate children and parents about nutrition and the consequences of obesity
In Europe today, 6 of the 7 biggest risk factors for premature death – blood pressure, cholesterol, body mass index, inadequate intake of fruit, obesity and being overweight - are rising. The European Commission advocates an integrated approach to address these problems, involving stakeholders at local, regional, national and European levels. The Commission's strategy on nutrition, overweight and obesity-related health issues aims to help reduce the risks associated with poor nutrition and limited physical activity.
Currently, there is consistent evidence of the benefits of using mobile tools to improve health behaviours, especially when they are developed within a theoretical framework. As a result, there is a strong need for educators and parents to work together in order to make young people aware of obesity and healthy choices. Additionally, there is also a strong need to improve language competencies for English as Second Language (ESL) students and the importance of using digital tools in education.
To develop an educational game for young people in order to prevent obesity and its adverse consequences during childhood, as well as longer-term prevention of obesity in adulthood
Explore the use of innovative educational practices and to create technology-rich learning environments for both teachers and students.
Create community environments that promote and support healthy food and beverage choices and physical activity.
Enable teachers to further develop awareness and use of the conventions of English language, speaking skills and transferable skills.
Boost a Europe-wide collaboration among educators as well as education researchers and professionals, exchanging innovative, effective and engaging approaches to obesity prevention and also English education
Transfer of innovative teaching methods to numerous teachers, to enable them to explore and share innovative tools and techniques
Enable students to improve both their ability to communicate and their linguistic competence in English
The project's primary target groups are students (aged 11-14), teachers, parents and educational institutions. The PhysioFit project will greatly improve students' knowledge of :
nutrition - why healthy choices are important
English - communication skills
digital skills
sport activities
Teachers will be empowered to be more confident, to further developing their capabilities across key competencies such as digital skills, collaboration, communication, critical thinking, and the ability to problem solve.
The project activities are developed in order the achieve its objectives, therefore we will implement the following:
Problem solving workshops, role play, game based learning, interactive workshops delivered to students and teachers during the mobilities
Share best teaching practice - CLIL, nutrition, obesity, PE etc.
Introduce schools/teachers/educators to content and language integrated learning (CLIL), therefore developing cross-curricular teaching programme for the schools
Use eTwinning in order to collaborate with the partner institutions and the final findings will be published there being available for teachers across Europe
Develop 4 intellectual outputs, which will aid target groups to further develop their skills
Additionally, the mobility activities make it possible for both students and teachers to acquire knowledge about the partner institutions' geography, history and culture, including how the institutions function, therefore being part of the citizenship education. We will transfer innovative teaching methods to a large number of teachers, through the development of the IOs. We will help students to develop important transversal skills such as creative thinking, problem solving, etc., which they can utilise in school and also in the near future in the labour market.
Expected Impact
It is anticipated that the PhysioFit project will achieve the following short term, medium and long term impacts:
Improved knowledge of nutrition, obesity, healthy choices and and ESL Education in a European context
Improved competences and skills developing obesity and ESL activities and materials (CLIL lesson plans)
Increased understanding about using digital tools and games in education
Improved digital skills
Increased awareness of encouraging staff to use innovative approaches, digital tools and games
Improved motivation for professional development
Increased awareness about the importance of cooperation and collaboration among organisations
Improved conception of integrating health and well being strategy
Increased support and involvement of other local stakeholders, local and regional authorities, companies, etc.
Implementation of community 'health champions' to encourage local participation such as managers of youth or children's centres, school governors or parent groups, or those who organise walking or gardening groups
Identification of barriers and facilitators for families engaging in the intervention
Optimisation of the programme and delivery to a larger population
One of the examples of the short-term impact would be the knowledge gained of nutrition in order to tackle obesity.
One of the examples of the medium impact would be addressing obesity prevention and management.
One of the examples of the long-term impact would be 2% reduction of overweight and obesity among our children and young people.