PhysioFit Outputs
PhysioFit Game
The project produced a Minecraft like educational game to teach users about nutrition, healthy food, obesity, its consequences and healthy choices. The PhysioFit game players can choose between 3 worlds:
Unhealthy Food Mine
Chemical lab
It is recommended to start with the Moontest world, although this is the most challenging world, a lot of nutritional information is provided, which will help users survive longer in the other worlds.
1. Moontest
You are underground, in a moon habitat simulator, where you must manage life support systems, such as oxygen generator, nuclear reactor, gravity generator, and mining equipment to ensure your survival. The mining drill is your primary source of passive income, allowing you to buy food and stay alive. You can carry out research on organic matter harvested on the moon's surface and you will need to ensure to get adequate sleep to stay alive.
Your expenses are deducted from your balance at regular intervals and the amount deducted increases as time goes on, increasing the difficulty of the game.
Do you have what it takes to stay alive?
2. Unhealthy Food Mine
In this world you are required to build various things including a village with a hospital, a shopping complex, houses and so on. You also need to source furniture for the buildings. In this urban environment, you are tempted with fast-food that is not nutritious, and therefore is seen to be a threat to public health.
Can you survive in this world?
3. Chemical Lab
You are required to create a nuclear reactor using the inventory. You will need to use grey stones to build the foundation of a nuclear reactor, but to create walls, you can use any coloured stone. I have already built the nuclear reactor for the sample.
Utilise your skills to customise the nuclear reactor and stay alive!
In each world you need to choose between healthy and junk foods and watch your energy levels to ensure to stay alive. Some of the tasks are very challenging and you will come across obstacles and collectables.
Using the nutritional knowledge learnt in the Moontest world will help you get your characters through the mission. You will have a better understanding of what protein, carbohydrates and fats are and how they effect your body. You will learn about organic matter and also why sleeping is essential.
Download the zip file, right click to "Extract All".
Open the folder --> Open the "bin" folder and click on the .exe file to open the game
Happy gaming

Project Website
The website has a community forum page in order to encourage discussion among teachers, students and other stakeholders regarding the project topics. The forum will also improve communication and increase collaboration in order to keep our stakeholders engaged and to bring new ideas to fruition.
IO3 & 4 will be available on the website.
Nutrients and Vitamins Lesson Plans
Lesson plans for teachers include the importance of selecting foods which provide the proper balance of vitamins and nutrients, highlighting fun games and activities students can participate in which enhance both emotional and physical development. These lesson plans will be developed throughout the project, based on the activities students will participate in.
The lesson plans will serve as tools for teachers on how to introduce healthy-eating messages into English, maths, PE and science lessons. For example, students can become food detectives to find out how much sugar is in their food and drink they consume on a daily basis and they can use their maths skills to find healthier swaps and simple science experiments will help them understand the effects of sugar consumption on their teeth, and measure calories in food, how food is burnt in the body.
Fun and Healthy Recipes Digital Book
A digital booklet was developed for youth, parents and teachers including fun and healthy recipes that youth can prepare for their families or at school, if such facilities are available at school. This booklet was developed to encourage youth to consider what they eat, and how it affects their bodies. We wish to provide the inspiration and information to teachers, parents and youth in order to make healthy eating a way of life. We included traditional dishes that provide a balanced nutrition for breakfast, dinner, lunch, snacks and desserts. Download the recipe book below, it includes 29 recipes and have fun while cooking ☺
Curriculum Report
The aim of the Curriculum report was to highlight:
The current situation regarding Nutritional education across Europe,
Nutrition related skills gaps within the sector.
The partners carried out research to identify the extent of the skills gap in each partner country in order to develop a comprehensive report, which can help policymakers and educators to develop targeted strategies and interventions to address the issue. By understanding the specific skills that are lacking in each country, curricula reforms could be carried out and training programmes can be designed to ensure that students are equipped with the skills and knowledge needed to meet the demands to remain healthy and potentially pursue careers in these fields. Teachers are also engaged in continuous professional development courses (CPD) to support their ongoing learning and growth as professionals, and to ultimately improve student learning outcomes.
Additionally, this report can help the PhysioFit project, to raise further awareness about these skills gap issues among stakeholders, including educators, students, European umbrella bodies and policymakers, It can encourage them to build momentum for change and collaboration between different sectors to address the issue.
The report also aims to promote the importance of nutritional education and careers among students and their parents by providing information on the benefits of pursuing these careers. This way students can be encouraged to consider these jobs and equip them with the information they need to make informed career choices.