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(AISR) is an award-winning International centre of excellence for B-STEMM (Business and STEMM) education. AISR is Northern Ireland's first independent, UK accredited STEM Institute, offering internationally recognised undergraduate and postgraduate programmes to the highest standards in Business, Science, Mathematics, Information Technology, Arts, Social Sciences, Engineering, Education, Para Medical and Medical studies.


Our headquarters is located in Derry-Londonderry, Northern Ireland, UK. We have campuses in the UK, Ireland, India and Nigeria. AISR also offers: 

  • online Continuing Professional Development (CPD) courses, whether you are a teacher, trainer, parent you will find a course that suits you.

  • Study Abroad Packages to help students develop their leadership and entrepreneurial skills

  • STEM and CLIL training for teachers – can be funded by KA1 Erasmus

  • Cultural Visits

  • Coding, Medicine and Entrepreneurship summer school (virtual and physical)

  • Content development

  • Educational consultancy

  • Software Development

  • Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) development.


We developed our own: VR chemistry lab, where students carry out step by step practicals in an immersive environment. We bring our educational posters to life with AR videos. GCSE level mobile game, which combines various STEM subjects and concepts in order for students to learn in a fun way


Hilal DoÄŸu Akademi is located in Bursa Turkey. It is an educational coaching and counselling company founded by an English teacher, Hilal DoÄŸu. Hilal has been an English teacher for 30 years and after retirement, she started her own educational counselling company. The Akademi is specialised in counselling, educational consultancy and teacher training in the field of English Language Teaching, Studying abroad, using projects for English language teaching, and teaching English through digital tools, drama and art.


Workshops are provided for individuals and schools, who are interested in the above topics. The Akademi offers the additional services:

  • All services related to English to Turkish and Turkish to English translation are provided.

  • Coaching services to help graduates and university students to progress onto their future career through learning English.

  • Tailor made English courses, to prepare you for studying abroad.

  • Private English courses for adults regardless of their level.

  • Young people are supported to prepare them for international cooperation/projects, in order to fully benefit from the exchange of different cultures and to be able to fulfil their dreams and become a world citizen.


The Social Innovation and Cohesion Institute is an organisation of civil society, established to help individuals, communities and institutions to develop their skills, improve their performance and share knowledge to be able to meet the challenges of society and thus contribute actively to the development of a European area of skills and qualifications. Our goal is to promote lifelong learning and initiatives of transnational aspect specifically addressed to young people, adult learners and professionals, through non-formal education.


Our main vision is to develop innovation to be implemented at the level of civil society and therefore contribute to social cohesion. The Social Innovation and Cohesion Institute is working to bring about social change for the benefit of citizens in the context of development of local, regional and European society. It focuses on the promotion of equal learning opportunities, in promoting human rights, cultivating the spirit of entrepreneurship and the development of people's abilities, promotes intercultural dialogue, knowledge exchange and European awareness with the active participation of young people and adults in projects relating to mobility, entrepreneurship education, professional and personal development. It is linked closely with various public and private bodies in national and international level, including NGOs, schools, universities, VET providers, municipalities, etc.

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21. YY EÄŸitimciler DerneÄŸi (21st Century Educators Association) is a newly established Turkish NGO which aims to promote the exchange of teaching knowledge, innovative training methods and tolerance among different countries through assisting teachers, parents, adults and young people in acquiring new abilities, the development of creativity, knowledge of foreign languages, cultures, human rights, etc.


Our vision is to provide a non-formal education, based on sharing of opportunities and experience related to schooling, to give to educators, tutors and pedagogues a chance to improve their teaching skills, to learn modern techniques to be able to guide students/pupils along a career path and social and vocational life. We are providing support and services in the following indicative fields of expertise:

  1. Education: Formal and Non-formal training courses, conferences and seminars.

  2. Consultations on social projects

  3. Personal Development

  4. Social development programs and initiatives targeting social inclusion of the disadvantaged groups including refugees, migrants, special needs and women.

  5. Social services, career guidance, counselling

  6. Entrepreneurship

  7. ICT ( Digital Competences )

  8. e-Learning

  9. Robotic & Coding

  10. STEM

  11. Gamification

  12. Cultural Heritage

  13. Sustainable Development

  14. EU Awareness and Democracy

  15. Health

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Istituto Comprensivo Pescara 5 provides three levels of education:

  • infant school (3-5 years),

  • primary school (6-10 years) and

  • lower secondary school (11-13 years).


The school welcomes 1,800 pupils and 180 teachers, it’s one of the biggest educational Institutes in our region.  The Secondary school has an extra course in Musical Instruments (piano, guitar, flute, percussion) and pupils can attend afternoon music classes and join the school orchestra. 


School Priorities:

  • Reorganise our evaluation policy in line with European priorities according to the latest indication of our Ministry of Education.

  • Create a confident and motivating educational environment which involves all pupils in the teaching-learning process.

  • Widen skills in relevant areas: foreign languages, drama and music, physical education and cross-curricular citizenship, science and ICT.

  • Build up an inclusive school with opportunities for all: no one left behind.

  • Improve language skills and reinforce spoken English, supporting lessons with native speaking teachers and language certifications.

  • Create new opportunities to practice English after school through a cooperation with other schools in Europe to open children’s mind and overcome the identity of Italian citizens to become European citizens.

  • Implement the use of digital resources in lessons and gradually equip all classrooms with technological devices.

  • Experience new methodology in teaching for a more inclusive teaching; cooperating with similar realities around Europe to share good practice and compare efficient strategies.

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Youth is major determinants of the level of development in any society, therefore we focus on young people as social change makers, which is one of the strategies of the EU context. Additionally, Jovesolides has a lot of experience in volunteering, we have a diverse profiles of volunteer services including University practices, European volunteer service, Leonardo professional practices and also common volunteer service. The main goals of Jovesolides include:

  • promotion of labour inclusion of youngsters

  • promotion of social participation of youth

  • promotion of recognition of social experience and volunteer experience as social and labour skills.


Indeed, this organisation has several actions in process or previously developed directly linked to social innovation and social entrepreneurship:

  • Long experience in the promotion of social volunteer services

  • Experience as sending/hosting and coordinator organisation of EVS program for 5 years (before with YOuth in Action)

  • Development of several training actions for youth regarding their social participation from SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP

  • Design and development of 2 Gamification methods to promote social awareness and design of social projects: Factor 5 and NadaTrivial

  • Development of several projects where we promoted the leadership of youth to promote social inclusion in their own contexts

  • Currently Jovesolides is developing a project (CREACTIVA); It is a national NETWORK to promote social entrepreneurship and social innovation for youth in Spain. The project has 5 partners who will develop several activities in diverse parts of Spain as workshops (laboratories), a youth training-meeting, a social forum and diverse Intellectual inputs. All the experience and knowledge acquired through this project will be shared to partners of the current proposal.

  • Jovesolides has also experience in developing specific intellectual outputs and the results of seminars, Good practices bulletin, etc. all regarding our projects related to youth

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. The responsibility for the information about the program on this website reflects the views of the author, and the Commission shall not be liable for any use of the information contained therein

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